Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thirty-Four Weeks!

This is a picture of Mommy and Doctor Chan during your thirty-four week scan. We were amazed to find out that you now weigh 5 lbs! The Doctor said everything about your development remains perfect and expects us to have a normal delivery. We are still is awe that we only have only 40 days left until we can introduce you to the world! Your Mommy has really struggled during this past month. At best, she in only getting a couple of hours of rest each night. Even though it is extremely difficult for her, she never complains because of all of the love that she is feeling for you!

Thirty-Three Weeks!

This is a picture of Mommy prior to attending the Chippen Campden Music festival. She looked fantastic! Once the concert started, you did not stop kicking to the beat of the music. You seemed to like Beethoven the best!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Thirty-Two Weeks!

Here is a picture of Mommy with all of the ladies she attended child birth class with. This was the fifth and final class and we now know everything we need to in order to bring you into this world safely!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Thirty-One Weeks!

Here is a picture of Mommy talking on the phone to Nana Bammel.

What a busy week! Your Mommy has really put me to work getting your nursery all set-up! In addition to getting your furniture placed in all of the right spots, I have painted your room to the requested specifications. There are still a couple of things that need to be added before your Mommy will let me post a picture of your room. Hopefully, I will be able to post a picture next week!